Your quote:
No Hospital + No Extras
Bundle product

Frequently Asked Questions

Manage My Cover

Premiums will change from 1 April 2025. You'll receive details of your new premium by email or post shortly. Pay in advance and save, see here.

You can update your membership details and who is covered using the member portal, mobile app or Contact Centre.  For changes to your Level of Cover, you will need to speak to one of our team.

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Yes. You can suspend your health cover for two reasons; overseas travel or financial hardship. Conditions apply to all membership suspensions.  

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A policy holder can request that their spouse/partner (on the same policy) be authorised to operate the policy on the same level as the policy holder (excluding joining/terminating membership and removing dependants) by completeing the Authority to Access Membership form.

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We send your tax information directly to the ATO by 15 July each year, you can find it in your myTax portal or with your registered tax agent. Once ready, you can also download your tax statement directly from the TUH member portal.

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Yes. With the app it's easy to manage your health in one place. View and update your membership details, keep on top of your extras limits and manage your payments – all from your smartphone.

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Yes.  We’ll send your membership card by mail shortly after you join. You’ll need the card for on-the-spot extras claim and may need it for hospital admissions. If you lose your card please let us know and you can order a replacement card via our member portal or app.

Android users also have the option of using a digital membership card, more on that below.

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You can pay your premium via direct debit fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually. We also offer rate protection where you can choose to pay your membership for up to twelve months in advance at the rate that applies at that time.

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Yes, you can now make an advance payment to lock in your current premium for up to 12 months. This means you’ll pay for future coverage at the rate you’ve been paying before the premium change. By paying in advance, you can potentially secure a lower premium than you would be paying with the premium change, for a nominated period.

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Yes. We have a number of services available to members including hospital substitute programs, disease management programs, cancer support programs, joint replacement progams, maternity care services and more.

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Each state and territory has differing methods of delivering emergency ambulance transportation.  Find out more to see the exact rules for where you reside.

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No, private health insurance does not cover you for medical/hospital/extras treatment received while travelling overseas or while on a cruise ship in Australian waters.

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If you think we have made an error when processing your claim, please contact us so we can investigate for you.  

If you think your provider has made an error submitting your claim, please contact them to let them know. They can contact us to correct the claim for you.  

If you think you have made an error via the App or the Online Portal, please contact us

Get in touch

Our friendly, local team are ready to answer all your questions and help you find what you are looking for.

Useful Definitions

Health insurance has it's own language and we're here to help you understand key terms related to your cover.